
Meytier Equitable Hiring Awards 

Are you a leader in equitable hiring? 

The Meytier Equitable Hiring Awards recognize organizations committed to equitable and inclusive hiring practices.

Founded with a mission to use unbiased intelligence to help companies hire better and in an equitable manner, Meytier believes that when we widen the gate we discover hidden potential and help all talent to level up and advance their careers.

This award is designed to recognize organizations that are prioritizing inclusive hiring practices where job seekers from all backgrounds can thrive. Together, we can create a future where every applicant feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. 

Why participate?

  1. Showcase your company values and commitment to equitable hiring practices
  2. Company feature on
  3. Awards badge for your website & social channels
  4. Rolling application means you can get recognized quickly
  5. Free employer branding
  6. Attract more diverse talent
  7. Stand out in your industry
  8. Press release feature (select organizations)
  9. LinkedIn winner spotlight (select organizations)

Apply today

Don’t miss your opportunity to be prominently featured and internationally recognized as a trailblazer in your industry, demonstrating your commitment to equitable hiring practices and a diverse and inclusive workforce. 



Unbiased Intelligence Solutions
for Equitable Hiring

Meytier was founded in 2019 with the core mission of making hiring equitable to expand opportunities for all. At the very core of our mission is a conviction that when organizations make an active effort to hire and support employees with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities, everyone wins. For job seekers, we widen the gate by discovering hidden potential, through unbiased screening and coaching, to level up and advance their careers.


  • What does it cost? There is no cost involved - applying for the award is free!

  • What does Meytier do in Equitable Hiring? The Meytier Talent Research & Intelligence Platform allows companies to hire better, using intelligence that allows them to do it in an equitable manner. The Meytier Talent Research & Intelligence Platform (TRIP) is a better, more equitable technology to screen, assess & match. Featuring:  Automated job description analysis & recommendations | Blind matching & standardized assessments | Latent skills discovery & career potential.

  • What does the application process consist of? The application consists of a 10 minute survey that you will be redirected to once you submit this form. If any clarification is required you may be invited to a brief interview afterwards.
  • When will I hear back if I got the award? After you complete the application survey, we will review your responses and reach out to via email (on average within 4 weeks).
  • Will I get a badge that I can feature on my website? Yes! You will receive a digital Equitable Hiring Award badge that you may feature anywhere you would like.
  • How many awards are given out? There are three levels, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Awards are not limited and awarded on a rolling basis as applications are received. 
  • What is the deadline? Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. There is no deadline. 
  • Does my award expire after a certain period of time? You are awarded a certain level (gold, silver or bronze) for 1 year, after which we invite you to re-apply to increase your level.